Introductory Logic -- Teacher Edition

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Whether your students are learning in a brick-and-mortar school or a homeschool or online, you teachers and parents know how important logic is — but that doesn’t make the technical aspects of the subject any easier (in fact the fundamental nature of the subject makes it even more intimidating!). We’ve painstakingly designed Introductory Logic with that tension in mind: you’ll get the benefit of our teachers’ years of teaching experience, making ingraining the fundamentals of logic in your students as painless (and rewarding!) as possible.

Anybody can learn from Introductory Logic. The whole series takes advantage of a brand new, clean, easy-to-read layout, lots of margin notes for key points and further study, a step-by-step modern method, and exercises for every lesson (plus review questions and exercises for every unit).

More importantly, anybody can teach Introductory Logic. Here are the features that make the Teacher Edition for Introductory Logic the obvious choice for educators new to logic, no matter where they teach:

  • A daily lesson schedule for completing Introductory Logic in a semester or a year-long course.
  • Answers to all exercises, review questions, review exercises, quizzes, and tests in the order they are taught.
  • Contains the entire Student Edition text — with the same page numbers as the Student Edition! No more flipping back and forth between answer keys and textbook.
  • Detailed daily lesson plans for the entire textbook explain each lesson’s
    • daily Student Objectives,
    • Special Notes,
    • step-by-step Teaching Instructions with bolded terms, advice, and more examples,
    • Assignments for each lesson,
    • Optional Exercises for further exploration and integration.